sara reis

Beginner Model

VIP Photos


Vip Photos


Beginner Model


Brasil | Agent: DIVACITY

One of my biggest passions is dancing, I am very outgoing and I like to attract attention. I am friendly, charismatic and polite, always predisposed to give my best. Ah, about two years ago, I received an invitation from Divacity in my Instagram inbox to do a casting call, at first I thought it was a scam so I dismissed it. As the messages were constant, I decided to get in touch, and I went to the casting just out of curiosity. It turned out that I was well evaluated by director Tony and I started to take the modeling course. I thought I wasnt good at parading or being photographed, my self esteem was always pretty low. Until I decided to take a risk and do the first photo shoot and the first fashion show. It was a new experience, I liked it a lot and currently Ive even participated in other fashion shows and even a movie clip. I never thought I was capable, but I owe it all to God who has empowered me every day. My life history is full of ups and downs, failures and victories, and this was the biggest victory Ive ever achieved in my life, the modeling and acting career. Struggles will always come, but when faith is anchored in God, victory is certain
Change language: ES | EN | PT


Height (cm): 160 | Measures: 82,68,93 | Shoe: 36 | Pants: 38 | Shirt: P | Bras: 36DD | Eye color: Black | Skin color: White | Hair color: Light Brown | Hair type: Wavy | Tattoos: Yes


Fashion Live 2023
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Sara Reis's Terms

  • For professional contact use my form. For personal contact send a gift because talking takes time and sometimes there are no benefits. Do not confuse this with 'something else', but if you have interest send a gift and guarantee my investment of time. I will see your contact details.



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Be diva you too!